Executive Coaching

Create more inclusive workplaces and executive development with emotional intelligence and better business strategies.

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Case Studies

The Need

After being passed over for a number of promotions, the client, a manager in the banking industry, couldn’t understand why the company had pigeonholed them in their current role. The client’s limited visibility left them unable to showcase their abilities across the organization. The client wished to both advance their career and be valued and respected for their work and their contributions.

The Results

In order to achieve the client’s objective, Your Choice Coach conducted both a self-assessment and a 360-degree assessment to gain a deeper understanding of their personal brand and of how they were seen by their colleagues.

This deeper understanding formed the base to co-design an action plan. Addressing the gaps between their self-assessment and the 360-degree assessment was essential in helping this banking professional transition to a new role, broadening their visibility across the organization. For this reason, a strategic, stakeholder management plan was created and executed.

One of the main areas of concern was the manager’s communication style. By examining the client’s written, verbal, and nonverbal communication, Your Choice Coach was able to outline areas for improvement. The manager’s improved approach to communicating with team members increased their confidence and expanded their means of self-expression. This, in turn, strengthened the manager’s interpersonal relationships across the organization, creating broader support at various levels within the organization.

The Need

Due to its rapid growth and strong performance, the pharmaceutical company needed to ensure its continued success by promoting promising individuals. Consequently, the client, a medical affairs manager, was promoted to head a team where they began managing their former peers. Although the recently promoted manager was a star performer, their poor communication skills and non-inclusive behaviors led to a disengaged team.

The manager was excited at the prospect of moving up to a managerial position and needed additional support dealing with the accompanying challenges and responsibilities. They wanted to both earn their colleagues’ respect across the organization and change their personal brand.

After receiving unfavorable feedback from the team, the company wanted to proactively address the manager’s negative behaviors to avoid a toxic work environment.

The Results

To address the various challenges, Your Choice Coach worked closely with the manager to outline an action plan for change. The first step was to utilize a research-based EQI 360° assessment and to obtain feedback from colleagues to increase awareness of the manager’s gaps, strengths, and areas to improve.

The results of the EQI assessment enabled the manager to gain clarity and an increased understanding of their gaps. The manager’s communication style was modified to be more inclusive and to incorporate greater respect, regard, and empathy for others. The manager developed the ability to actively listen and to frequently engage direct reports.

As a result of coaching from Your Choice Coach, an action plan was created, and the manager learned how to create a safe environment for others to share their opinions comfortably and engage in healthy debates as part of the team’s decision-making process.

The Need

The company wanted to take a proactive approach to addressing their diversity, equity, and inclusion journey. They conducted a DEI survey but did not have the internal resources to interpret and analyze the collected data. With distributed teams working in different regions, they sought the best approach to align their diversity and inclusion purpose and strategy.

Your Choice Coach helped them to uncover hidden gaps across their culture. We conducted focus groups and interviews across the organization. We interpreted the data and identified themes that provided guideposts pointing to the appropriate direction. We met with senior leaders to help key stakeholders make the case to obtain resources necessary to support the roadmap.

The Results

A process was created to develop a roadmap that prioritized activities and resources. A DEI learning journey was designed with key topics to address the learning gaps identified. Metrics were identified to keep the organization accountable. DEI council developed a sustained momentum to keep employees engaged and aligned with the strategy.

The Need

A global media company saw the need for increased diversity but wasn’t sure where to start. They also recognized the value of a roadmap to help them outline their journey and align the execution, communication, and priorities across the organization. They called Your Choice Coach to be their diversity, equity, and inclusion partner.

Our Approach

Our first objective was to establish a current understanding of the company’s culture and appetite for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) change. To facilitate this process, we helped the company identify key groups whose lived experiences needed to be heard company wide. We helped the company develop and understand their EDI survey.

The next objective was communicating the company’s EDI story. We believe in “HOT” communications. These are honest, open, and transparent communications that are shared across an organization. The process that we co-created with the media company allowed them to reflect on their gaps, gain an increased understanding of the work ahead, and find a way to produce the courageous communications needed. This laid a foundation for the work necessary to realize the journey.

The Results

EDI is not a one-person job. The media company identified short- and long-term wins that touched all functional groups. They created a council to help keep their plan alive across the organization. A learning journey was designed with their learning and development team. The senior leaders understood their roles and the responsibilities associated with the company’s EDI journey.

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Why Partner with Your Choice Coach: BENEFITS AND RESULTS

  • We are a client-focused strategic partner from the beginning of the client process and bring best practices to support our clients at each step.

  • Services we provide, like executive coaching, executive development & inclusive leadership, to name a few, are customized to each client. During each phase, we empower our client team to own, voice, and gain buy-in across the organization on an ongoing basis.

  • During assessment, training, and/or strategy, Your Choice Coach works with our clients to understand the organization’s appetite for equity, diversity, and inclusion and partners with our clients to provide a comprehensive and compelling approach to meet their needs and achieve results.

  • Your Choice Coach is a firm focused on business strategy, training facilitation, and executive coaching for small to medium-sized businesses. We’ve helped numerous business owners regain their focus, accountability, and clarity in order to overcome the obstacles that impede growth.

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