Hot Nuggets
Level Up to Your Business Greatness
Focus, Plan, & Execute. What actions and behaviours will you do differently to achieve your goals? Staying focused on your personal and professional goals can be challenging. A goal without [...]
Creating an Inclusive Company Culture Takes More Than Good Intentions
Miquel, a CEO in the financial services sector, asked me to uncover why people across hisorganization could not communicate with each other. Over a series of conversations with hisemployees, I [...]
How to Create a DEI Policy for Your Workplace
Embed a Systematic Approach to Learn About Differences Building a DEI culture takes time; it has to be intentional and consistent and employing a systematic approach will help the culture [...]
How to Detox a Toxic Rockstar
A Harvard MBA who was an officer of a large national company was brilliant but had zero confidence. She liked to project toughness in the office while also micromanaging her [...]
Top DEI Influencers in HR 2022
Now more than ever, the role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is crucial to the success of any organization. We’ve seen how quickly the world can turn upside down, whether it’s [...]
Q&A with Simone Sloan, DEI Consultant
For several years, our marketing and communications department has worked with Simone Sloan, a DEI consultant and the CEO of Your Choice Coach. Michelle Galindez, our director of marketing and [...]