Hot Nuggets
Connect And Relate To Your Personal Brand
Everyone needs a personal brand. Taking control of your public image is no longer optional. The information age demands that we share an authentic image of ourselves, and failure to [...]
How HR Leaders and Business Owners Can Respond To A Changed Workplace
COVID-19 prompted massive shifts in lifestyle and workstyle. Now, as we slowly emerge into a post-pandemic world, businesses and HR leaders have had to rethink the workplace. A new normal [...]
How are HR Leaders and Business Owners Rethinking the Workplace in a New Era?
During the pandemic, unprecedented challenges emerged for HR leaders and businesses that required empathy, flexibility, and harnessing the power of unconventional thinking. Hiring, onboarding, and policies surrounding issues like virtual [...]
Empower Your Teams To Be Resilient
We all know that relationships are built on trust. In the workplace, we rarely have the opportunity to choose how these relationships are initially forged, but it’s possible to create [...]
Companies Are Losing Top Talent Because of Exclusive Behaviors
Exclusion is the act of alienating someone or something. It creates an “insider” versus “outsider” club, leading to workplace conflicts. The insiders make all the rules, set the norms, and [...]
How to Create a Powerful Personal Brand
A strong personal brand is invaluable, especially as labor markets become more competitive and workplace changes are fast and dynamic. I am a staunch proponent of having and owning a [...]